What is Your Ideal Day?
For my friend Rose Marie Roach, it’s a day spent hosting fascinating guests, preparing delicious food, styling the plates and serving on her patio at Pelee View, in Leamington Ontario. She doesn’t mind staying up late or rising early to have everything ready so she can join with her guests during the meal and conversation.
Pelee View is Rose Marie’s creation. Her house sits on Lake Erie and has a meeting room completely set up with all you need for a small business meeting; a large table and chairs, a wide screen TV, Wi-Fi, etc. However, this is a room with a view – Lake Erie, blue skies, birds flying and nesting and Pelee Island in the distance. Good thing the monitor faces away from the view!
Take a look at the pictures on her website: http://www.thebrandingexperts.ca/PELEEVIEW/
I was fortunate to share Rose Marie’s ideal day Thursday with Donna Messer, Canada’s Queen of Networking, and a small group of Leamington’s women of influence. There was magic in the air as Donna shared how other Ontario communities have innovatively recreated their image and economy.
Rose Marie had created a breakfast brunch to please everyone’s eye and taste buds. We had our choice of fresh fruit, steel cut oatmeal, banana bread, breakfast casserole, bacon, juice and hot beverages. I’ve undoubtedly forgotten something as there were so many delicious choices. The weather cooperated perfectly and we could dine al fresco on the patio.
It’s so delightful to watch when someone is doing what she loves and does so well. Rose Marie delights in being the creator of an experience like that. Donna Messer connects people all over the world through her company, ConnectUs, which was created based on what she loves to do on her ideal day.
I’ll write more about Donna Messer in another post.
What is your ideal day? I would love to hear from you.
Thank you Rosemary for the kind words. It’s not necessarily the food, it’s the people and conversation. I always try to keep the food simple and I make recipes I grew up with or that I really enjoy and I’m comfortable with making. I love sharing our magnificent view of Lake Erie. Ed & I certainly have a long to-do list living on an acre and a half with an unruly bluff to the beach but working together helps to get our projects done – eventually. I was so pleased that you were able to travel from Windsor early Thursday morning to learn from Donna Messer. It was our Day with Donna!
Thanks Rose Marie,
It was my pleasure to be there.