What Do You Want To Say? – Messenger Life Purpose

What Do You Want to Say? – Messenger Life Purpose

Are you over-bearing and dominating in your communication style or so soft-spoken or meek you cannot be heard? Are you trying to convince people you have their answers? As with any purpose, growth occurs when you grapple with the challenges involved. Do you struggle to be heard?

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Perhaps you feel as though no one ever listens to you. Or you may find yourself screaming or shouting to be heard. Some of the challenges for Messengers are early experiences of not being listened to or delivering your message to the wrong audience. Both can result in a belief that what you have to say has no value. It’s important for you to discern who is and is who is not your audience. Don’t try to convince those who are not open to listen and heed your message.

This Life Purpose has to do with communication. If you have this purpose, your goal is to figure out what you want to say and how you want to convey your message and then find the appropriate audience. Learning to be a good listener is also essential as excellent communication involves both listening well and speaking clearly.

As you hone your communication skills, you will want to get your message out to the world in some fashion. Taking part in writers’ groups or Toastmasters could be very helpful. This purpose is one that is meant to be done in the public rather than say journal writing that no one else reads.

My client Marianne struggled with being heard. She grew up in a family who believed children should be seen and not heard. That resulted in a belief no one would want to listen to her. When she learned this was her Life Purpose Marianne went to Toastmasters and worked on developing her confidence and skills in public speaking. She was passionate about the environment and found great success in inspiring others to recycle once she found her voice and audience.

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