Healers with Heart

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Which of these scenarios describes you and your life?

Number 1 You’re stuck in a job you hate but it pays the bills. Your life lacks meaning and yet you know you could be doing something more fulfilling. You do more for other people than you do for yourself and are resenting them and feeling powerless?

Number 2 You’re living the life your innermost heart urges you to live. You wake up each day and look forward to the possibilities it will bring. You love your career and find it fulfilling. Your close relationships are nourishing you.

If your life is more like number one than number two, then I have a solution for you!

What if you could find a special message about what your soul intended for you in this lifetime? This special message, meant just for you, will describe your soul’s purpose and the core challenges you’ll experience and have to prevail over in order to fulfill it.

All of this is revealed in a hand analysis.

When you have the blueprint revealed in your fingerprints and palms, you will have a guide to follow that inspires your life, career and relationships. Have you had a sense that there’s more to life than most people know? Do you wonder why you were born and what’s it all about? Your hand analysis will give you the answers you’ve been searching for.

While palm reading or palmistry may be used to predict your future, hand analysis is different.

Imagine how you’ll feel when you realize you already have within you everything you need to live your life with love, passion and purpose!

Heart Power Coaching can help you get in touch with your heart’s desires and create a magnificent life! Stop living your life half-heartedly.  Live with passion and purpose.

As your coach, I will use the information in your hand analysis to help you vision and design the life you were meant for. When the challenges of your lesson come up, coaching will help you manage them and not let them block you from living the life you desire.

Don’t wait another day to get started. www.rosemaryheenan.coachgenie.com/contact.html


“I realize now through my art work I will be able to support others to connect with their own soul. It has always been my true desire in life to connect with everyone at the soul level, and I’ve done that only to be rejected many times.  Thanks to my hand analysis, I am done that drama!

Your insights in my hand analysis are so powerful.  They put me in touch with the core of my being. What comes into the forefront now is I am experiencing clarity in my mind and peace in my heart.  This is my natural state of being!

You are a powerful healer Rosemary! I’m very grateful that you are in my life!”

– Maggie McLeod Intuitive Energy Artist

“If you are looking for a way to break out of any boxes you feel constricted by, Rosemary is the perfect success coach to help you do this.” – Jason

“Thank you for the wonderful session. I actually felt quite relieved after I spoke with you; like a renewed faith that things would be ok. That same night I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. I’d gotten the book Think and Grow rich before but could never ‘digest’ any of what I read. Last night things started making sense! Thank you so much, you’ve helped me more than all the self help books I’ve read so far! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!”   – Hilda


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