Who Wants to Know the Secret About Love and Success?

love and successHow’s your “I love you” practice going? Are you finding it easier every day? You are still doing it, right?

In case you didn’t read last week’s article you can read it here.

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The topic of love and success is huge and I plan to delve into the connections over the next weeks’ articles.

Loving yourself is a key to unlocking success in every area of your life – business and personal.

You achieve success by having a vision of what you desire and taking persistent actions towards realizing your desires. Another component of creating success is what you think about yourself and your ability to have what you desire.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

When you love yourself, you allow yourself to have what you desire. You believe you deserve it.

When you love yourself, just as you are, your innermost thoughts are kind and gentle. Even when you make a mistake, you just recognize what happened and see what to do differently the next time. Thus you aren’t afraid to take actions and taking the right action is one of the keys to success.

baby learning to walkSome people believe they have a fear of success, but my mentor, David Neagle disputes that. He says if there were a fear of success, no one would ever learn to walk. It makes sense to me.

When a toddler is learning to stand and walk, she falls over more often than she succeeds, at first. But does that stop her? No way!

Even when she cries in pain, once she is soothed she’s right back up trying again.

When that same child wants something she doesn’t just ask once, but repeats and repeats her request until she either gets it or is distracted.

That’s how you were born. You had to be taught to stop asking for what you want. But if you were taught punitively instead of with love, you may have internalized the belief that you weren’t loveable.

Now that belief has to go.

David says you are wired for success, but programmed for failure.

However, when you love yourself enough to persist in going for your vision, you can succeed.

I hope I’ve convinced you to persist in your daily “I love you” practice.

More on love and success next week.

And again, I love to hear from you. Let me know in the comments below and on Facebook.

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