The Greatest Love of All
You were born for a reason. Your life has meaning and purpose. When you know your purpose, you have a vision that can inspire you to make a difference in the world, to keep on going when life gets tough and it will at times. Your purpose calls on you to become the best you can be; to inspire others and do something only you can do.
This takes courage my friend! It is not for the faint of heart.
This past week we saw a beautiful, talented woman and mother lose her life. This woman had it all, yet did not love herself enough to get off drugs and alcohol. The world has been mourning Whitney Houston’s passing and I bet many people are saying to themselves, see money doesn’t buy happiness. They get to stay right about the lack of abundance they are experiencing and justify it when they see someone like Whitney live in pain and addiction rather than thrive joyfully with all her talent.
Today I kept hearing the lyrics of The Greatest Love of All in my mind. How ironic that Whitney’s beautiful voice sang those words, over and over, yet she didn’t integrate them for herself.
Am I like that in some areas? Yes. Are you? Yes. We all preach our own struggle. Integrity would call on us to listen to what we preach and make sure we are taking our own advice.
“I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be”
So many teachers love these words and do their best to live them in their work with children. What greater gift could anyone give a child than to show them all the beauty they possess inside? And then add in a sense of pride to make it easier to be themselves and do what they came on earth to do.
“The greatest love of all is easy to achieve.”
If that were true Whitney and all of us would not struggle as much as we do. What it does take though is a commitment – a decision to love ourselves no matter what. No conditions – just because we exist. Whew, breathe that in. State it loud and clear, “I love myself just the way I am.”
“Learning to love yourself, It is the greatest love of all.” Yes, this is Truth. Who would you be and what would you do if you loved yourself unconditionally? I bet you would be so magnificent and do so much more for both yourself and others that it would blow your mind.
I am not saying we couldn’t all improve, but I know for certain that shame around anything robs you of your power to take positive action to change. Shame may make you aware of the need to change, but unless you make a shift into an emotion with more strength to it you will stay stuck where you are. Shame can make you feel powerless and hopeless. Get angry with yourself and you will do something about it.
Do you know what your Life Purpose is? Did you know your purpose can be found in your hands How would your life be more inspiring, on track, meaningful and dynamic if you were living that life purpose on a daily basis. You can get a map to follow, your own inner GPS system to guide you when you have your hands analyzed.
Yes, it does take courage to get the information and then commit to living it. The good news though is that it is totally worth whatever it takes to make your purpose a living, breathing part of you. It will call on you to develop all that it will take to make that happen. And that’s a good thing because it will stretch you and inspire you too.
Don’t wait another day. Book your appointment now!
Awesome post! Everyday can be a struggle to keep that self love alive but it’s so very important and so very rewarding when you do!
I had the same thought about Whitney, she sang so often about Love and yet she just couldn’t get in touch with the ultimate love inside of herself.
Yes, so sad to not be able to get in touch with her self love. Thanks for commenting Jenn.