Who do you think you are? I ask this question, not with the derisive tone or the wagging finger, rather from the place in my heart where I know you are magnificent beyond belief. And my hope is your answer … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Who do you think you are? I ask this question, not with the derisive tone or the wagging finger, rather from the place in my heart where I know you are magnificent beyond belief. And my hope is your answer … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Making the World a Safer Place for Everyone to Be Themselves. This morning I went on Facebook early to leave a message for a friend. I happened on three different posts that all came together for me to create today’s … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
This week’s message is about letting go. Letting go of what is safe, or comfortable. Letting go of behaviours that get a payoff, but at a cost. Shedding what no longer fits to make room for the new. A month … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
One of the blessings of doing hand analysis readings for people is watching the “OMG, now it all makes sense” moments. Those moments when a client realizes her life to date was absolutely ideal for her incubation to be what … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Does it seem that time is racing faster than ever? Are you feeling overwhelmed with commitments? Do you say “yes” to something, and then find you have to say “no”? Are you flooded with very appealing offers, but you can’t … [CLICK TO READ MORE]