Love and Security

heartTo pursue your dreams takes courage. You have to do things you have never done before. You must take risks. You may need to travel places you haven’t been. You may need lots of alone time to work. You may need to leave behind others who want a different life than you.

To be successful you must understand that your security comes from your connection to your Source. There is nothing external that brings you security.

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You can lose your job in a moment. You can lose people in a heartbeat. You can lose your savings if someone embezzles or the bank fails. You can lose everything external, but when you have a deep connection to your Source, you have security. You know the best place to turn.

Loving yourself will help you create the security you need. You return to the state in which you were born – all love.

securityYou become the safest person for you to be around.

And, who better to be safe with? Most people are their own worst enemy when it comes to the internal chattering they allow.

Don’t believe me? Then do this homework for the next week: Get a little notebook or voice recorder and monitor your internal thoughts for a week. Count how many of them are judgmental, harsh, belittling, and how many are kind, loving, encouraging. I promise you the former will be far more prevalent, unless you’ve already been loving yourself faithfully.

The consistent practice of spending time with your heart, saying “I love you” over and over, creates new subconscious patterns. Your negative internal chatter diminishes and eventually almost disappears When it does happen, you are aware and you say, “I love you” instead of allowing the criticism to continue.

When you feel safe within, you are more willing to do different things that will help you succeed. You will be more able to be honest with people and not allow others to block you from your dreams. You won’t stop what you are doing to please other people. You will take on bigger risks that will propel you forward.

And you will feel peaceful and secure.

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