When you were young did you get in trouble for expressing yourself?
It may have been asking a question your parent didn’t want to answer.
Or you may have acted silly or made too much noise sometimes, as children do.
Or perhaps it was your very nature that wasn’t good, like “you are too sensitive” or “too trusting” or whatever.
All of those “you are too…” caused you to hold back on being your authentic self.
You learned to please other people so you would be accepted or loved; to make others happy or put their needs before your own.
Now if you are living your purpose with passion for what you do, sharing your products and services with people, in order to set yourself apart in the marketplace, your best selling point is you.
You need never be discouraged by competition in your field, first because it is an abundant universe, and second because no one else does what you do exactly the way you do it.
However, to be your authentic self, in full expression, you are going to be vulnerable. And that takes courage.
When you love yourself you expand your courage. You care more about being true to yourself than pleasing anyone else. You trust you are here on earth to fulfill your purpose and your purpose is unique to you. So you have courage to express yourself fully and be authentically you.
You won’t be afraid of making mistakes because you love yourself enough to know mistakes are just evidence of what doesn’t work.
Just as the rose, to be most attractive to the bees must be fully open and vulnerable to all the elements of nature; you too have to be fully you to be attractive.
Are you willing to keep on opening and blossoming to your full potential? That’s what it will take as you grow and expand your business.
At each new stage of growth and each new level you reach in your business, you will need to become more of yourself.
You have to be willing to face all the limiting beliefs that keep you small. Refuse to let the lies you were told about yourself be your truth anymore.
And that takes courage.
I invite you to watch the brief YouTube video of the rose and consider how courageous you are now and how willing are you to continue to use your courage to bring more of yourself openly into your business.
Your courage will give you the life you desire. Your willingness to openly express yourself and give your gifts to the world will reward you in the deepest way possible, because you will be living the purpose for which you are here – one courageous moment at a time.
Loving yourself is the key to courage.
Warmest, Rosemary