Investing in Yourself

Investing in Yourself

I am very excited to be learning and applying Universal Laws in my life. I went to a David Neagle Breaking Free Live event in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago. One of the things David taught was when you are having a sales conversation with people and they tell you they cannot afford your programs, look and see where you are not willing to pay for programs yourself. Other people just mirror to us how we are.

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It’s so interesting to me asĀ  would have said I completely understood the concept of mirroring, yet I had not thought to apply it to this area of my life.

I decided to commit myself to his new coaching certification program. This will help me to support myself in consciously living from Universal Laws and I will be able to coach others in the Miracle of Money.

I am already experiencing the truth of how much I am willing to invest will result in others being willing to pay me for my programs. It’s fun and exciting to live in alignment with Truth instead of with the limiting beliefs I was programmed with.

I look forward to sharing more of my experiences with consciously creating my life as I desire.



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