If You Are a Creative You Gotta Love Your Uniqueness

If You Are a Creative You Gotta Love Your Uniqueness

If someone is going to get teary on learning her Life Purpose, it’s almost always the Creative. Her challenge is often being different than everyone else and that can be an uncomfortable feeling. Especially when she looks around and sees she is not like other people and then proceeds to tell herself there is something wrong with her. Many “Creatives” are even told by their parents they are weird, unusual, or different in a bad way. What a shame!

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Creatives (some other names for this purpose are Individualist or Artist) are here to be on the cutting edge. They see things in new ways and bring a fresh unique perspective to the status quo. Most can relate to Kermit’s famous song, It’s Not Easy Being Green.

Those of us who appreciate differentness welcome their new ideas, but in a society that values conformity, read most schools, Creatives are frequently ridiculed or shamed for their non-conformity. That leads many to feel as though they have to be like everyone else and they squelch their uniqueness and sell out to fit in.

It takes a lot of energy to hold back on your essence and that leaves conformist Creatives feeling apathetic. What a dilemma!

As with most things you fear, the only answer is to do what you are afraid of. For Creatives that is to express themselves authentically. To speak up and share their unique ideas or to paint their way, sing their own song or dance their own way. If I am speaking to you in this article, please share with us whatever your expression is and don’t hold back. I believe we all came here with gifts to give the world and someone is missing out if you won’t share yours.

You can be a Creative and think you are not because you took a painting class and weren’t good at it. I have often had Creative clients tell me this. What you are forgetting is that it takes time and lots of practice and probably several lessons to become skilful in your art, whatever form that takes. If you listen to the voice of your inner critic that tells you you’re awful you may give up before you’ve even really begun. And Creatives have a very loud Inner Critic, so it takes commitment to turn off that voice when it is not being helpful.

I leave you with the wisdom of Dr. Seuss. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

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