If “Business” is Your Life Purpose Mastering Money, Commitments and Time Are Essential to You

The middle finger is named after Saturn, the mythical god and planet that rules responsibility, structure and integrity. This purpose centres on commitments, both to yourself and with others. You will need to ensure you evaluate contracts carefully before you commit in order to ensure you can fulfill your part. It’s also important to hold others accountable for their commitments to you.

If Business is your purpose, you will be charged to make your living in work that is aligned with your essence. Working just for the money would compromise your purpose and leave you feeling unfulfilled. Hmm, know anyone this applies to?

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Business Life Purpose folks often have a tendency to undervalue their services. Charging the equivalent in what you give in value is crucial to you. In order to do this, you have to be very clear on the value you offer. This isn’t always an easy task and you may struggle with knowing your true worth. Find out what others who do similar work charge and make sure you are asking a similar amount.





One of my clients I will call Suzanne, was working as a teacher when she had her hands analyzed. Business was her purpose, along with Success. That’s the purpose of someone who would probably thrive as a CEO or entrepreneur. However Suzanne was seduced by the salary and benefits of teaching even though she acknowledged her heart really wasn’t in it. Suzanne went along for a couple of years with the money being enough, but realized she was wasting her true gifts. The lack of passion for her work eventually took its toll and she resigned to start her own business. You can see when you talk to her how animated and enthused she is about her work now.

Are you doing work you love and being well paid for it? Or do you see yourself in Suzanne’s story, selling out for a comfortable income, but feeling unfulfilled. Your hands hold the key to your unique Life Purpose and a fulfilling life when you actively engage the essence of who you are in your work. You can save time by using the blueprint in your hands to follow rather than going from one job to another looking for fulfillment.

Contact me at info@rosemaryheenan.com to get your hands analyzed and have your own blueprint. Distance is not an issue for getting your reading. I can mail you a printing kit and instructions.



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