Flying First Class and the Miracle of Money

I recently flew first class to Dallas for my MOMM Certification program. David Neagle encouraged all of us to do this. His mentor taught him to always ride in the front of the plane and the back of the car.
When I committed to doing what David asked, I didn’t know what to expect other than his promise that if I did what he recommended, I would achieve my miracle with money much faster. I was tired of working hard and not getting the results I wanted. In fact I was even beginning to look for a job because I didn’t see myself being able to create the income I needed with my business.
Now that I have taken this one step, I know the value of following his advice.
If you want your own miracle with money, here are some success principles to follow.
Success Principles
1.    Work with a mentor – If you want to fast track your miracle, work with someone who has already done what you want to do. Then follow the advice they give you and do what they ask.

You may wonder why anyone would choose to fly first class when it’s a huge stretch to even pay to fly on the cheapest flight available. I had decided though that I was going to do what David asked because I know he has already succeeded and I want to do the same. If I do what he asks, I will get the results I want much faster than doing it my way, which hasn’t taken me where I want to go.

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2.    See yourself as a success already in your mind – That is one of the subtle effects flying first class had on me. I experienced being the first person on and off the plane. My bag came out of the chute before the others. That may not seem like much but it made a shift in my self-image. When I went to use the bathroom on the plane, I noticed how cramped everyone in the cabin looked. Their shoulders were scrunched in because they were seated so close to one another. In my seat I had plenty of space between myself and my fellow passenger. We both could put our full arm on the rest and not crowd one another.

3.    Act “as if” – When I arrived in Dallas, I stayed in a boutique hotel for my training. Making the commitment to fully pay for this myself and not have a roommate was another stretch. It was another opportunity to experience what life will be like when I am regularly reaching the income goal I have set. It also gave me the experience of treating myself really well.
Now that I know what it feels like to live this way, I am far more motivated to take the necessary actions to reach my goals. Had I cheated on this opportunity, I would have missed out.
It took the concept of treating myself well to a higher level. I didn’t scrimp. That opened my consciousness of abundance significantly. I changed my perception of myself and felt that I belonged there.
When I returned home many people commented on my confidence level. It was apparent to friends and family that I was different and had a quality of certainty I had not had before. I know that was in great part due to living through this lens of someone already financially successful. It also allowed me to take in my training on a deeper level.
What action could you take this week to give yourself the experience of being the success you desire in your life? Decide to do it.
Here are two changes you could make right away. If you cut coupons, stop. That’s saying you cannot afford to pay full price. When you make that statement, you will continue to experience the effect, that you do not have enough money to pay full price.
Are you waiting for something you want to go on sale? Get it now. Waiting for sales is telling yourself and the universe that you do not have enough money and will create that result until you stop.
I would love to hear what you do and how you feel as a result.
If you are like I was, wanting to serve others but not getting enough clients, frustrated with your slow progress toward your goals, not making enough money in your business and worried about being able to pay your bills or having to get a job, the Miracle of Money Program is for you.
The Miracle of Money Program is designed to change your money story. When you change that story, you change your life. Your money story was created by the programming you received about money when you were growing up. That programming gave you limiting beliefs which are now causing the apparent lack of money in your life.
If you love the independence and freedom of working for yourself, if you have a passion to do work you love, if you want to release your blocks to abundance, The Miracle of Money Program is for you.
Contact me for details:

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