If you are like many of my clients and me, you may be almost completely out of touch with your true heart’s desires. How can that be? I believe it occurs over time as we are told what we want is unreasonable, a pipe dream, too much for someone like us, ridiculous, etc. We take in all those beliefs from well-meaning parents, teachers, friends etc. who think they are protecting us so we won’t get disappointed. Or perhaps they are wet blankets who can’t dream for themselves and don’t want others to do so either.
Then we begin to give up on our dreams and live our lives without passion. We feel like life is flat and see it as something to just get through.
What happens is our hearts want to keep us from being hurt, so they begin to soften the voice of our dreams. The more we don’t act on them, the quieter the voice of the dream becomes, until we no longer hear it.
However, every now and then we will feel an occasional tug from inside our hearts that tells us there has to be more. Many people go through a dark night of the soul before recognizing it really is possible to bring up those dreams and act on them.
How do you find out what they are when they’ve been buried a long time? Spend time in silence; get quiet and go inside and have a heart-to-heart with your heart, and ask it to reveal what it holds. Day dream. Play around with the possible by asking if nothing could stop you, you could not fail and money was not an issue, what would you love to do?
Get out some paper and let all that you hear, see or feel come out. You might want to use coloured pens and draw some pictures. Remember to let it flow freely with no concern for how it’s going to happen. Without censure your heart will keep things flowing out for you to see.
Put everything aside for a day or so once the flow stops. The get quiet again and re-read everything. Choose something that really pulls on your heartstrings as the first item to begin to take action on.
Write a list of action steps you could take to get started on this. If you have a trusted support person, share your goal with him or her. Ask her to “see” you successfully make this real. Then go into action.
I developed a process that worked so quickly for me in manifesting my desires that I created a workshop around it to share with others. I used the chakras as my guide and found that made me include every area of my life. The people who have participated so far are also getting quick results. I call it Design Your Life With Colour – a Workshop for Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience. I’m offering it twice in March on the evenings of Thursday March 24 and Tuesday March 29 from 6:30 – 9:30. Contact me at info@rosemaryheenan.com or call 519-978-3995 to register for either night.
Blocked desires are one of the insights you can receive from having a hand analysis reading. Sometimes you get so used to the way things are, you don’t even know you’re stuffing down on what you want. A hand analysis will uncover this and much more.
If you are curious about what is involved in a hand analysis and what your hands will reveal, listen in to an interview I am doing on Jennifer Longmore’s Soul Purpose Central Radio show on Transformational Talk Radio, Tuesday March 8 at 4:00 eastern. Here is the link. www.transformationtalkradio.com