The Power of Environment Have you ever considered how much you are like other living things in nature? In order for a plant or a fish or an animal to develop its full potential, it needs to be in the … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
The Power of Environment Have you ever considered how much you are like other living things in nature? In order for a plant or a fish or an animal to develop its full potential, it needs to be in the … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
There’s a whole new way of life just around the corner of where you are now. It’s bright and beautiful, peaceful, joyful and easy. It’s beyond comfortable, it’s exquisite. Relationships are healed and harmonious. And it is available to you. … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
In order to live your purpose you need to be clear on what it is; decide you will do it; identify where you are now and where you want to be; and look for the opportunities.
“Desire is closely tied to our purpose. Every form of life has a purpose for being in its physical expression. Everything required for the fulfillment of that purpose must be included within it.” David Neagle
When you do not know what mistakes you’re making and you’re lacking confidence or feeling unworthy of receiving what you need, it keeps you poor.