Are You A Healer?

I find the life purpose of Healer fascinating because of the seeming discrepancy between the life you live personally and what you make of it.

Healers often grow up in difficult families and experience many personal challenges. It is through mastering these experiences themselves that you gain the skills necessary to help inspire others.

Were you rejected for being too soft-hearted as a child? Have you struggled with addiction or repeated abusive relationships? These very circumstances gave you a master education opportunity to heal yourself. In doing so, what you learned you now can use to help others.

You’ll find yourself at the edge of the cliff time and again, and the only way to stop the fall over is to have complete faith in your inner knowing.

Healer at the edge

If this sounds familiar and you’ve thought there was something wrong with you, I hope knowing it is a normal path for Healers will ease your mind.

Those with Healer life purpose cannot fulfill this purpose solely by helping families and friends. You only reach your own highest potential when you make your living by helping others reach theirs. No water cooler advice giving will give you the same fulfillment you will feel when you charge for your services.

The path to success comes through healing your own stuff first. You can help others only to the extent that you’ve worked through your personal issues. You also need strong personal boundaries. Leave work at the office and don’t deplete yourself by helping others at your own expense.

If you are currently working at some other type of job, here are some clues you may be a Healer:

  • Is personal development your passion?
  • Are you often asking deeper questions about people’s challenges?
  • Do you friends and family always ask your advice?

Your hands will tell you what your soul’s intention was for your life purpose.

If you haven’t downloaded my free gift of a Blueprint for Living a Purpose-full Life, check it out and you’ll discover the four secret clues I can see in your hand prints that will give you the blueprint for living your life purpose.

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Are You Missing the Secret Recipe for True Fulfillment and Happiness?

2015 goalsThis time of year we’re encouraged to reflect on what we accomplished and set goals for the next year. If this formula works for you, congratulations; stop reading and continue following your proven path.

Today I want to share a different approach – a recipe that’s completely personal and universal at the same time.

It’s personal in that your hands hold the keys to your specific recipe for fulfillment and happiness.

And it’s universal because everyone can find the vital information unique to them in their hands.

Recipe puzzle piecesSimply put, your recipe requires you to:

  1. Be deliberate in living your life purpose – the essence of who you are.
  2. Be conscious about your life lesson – that persistent challenge that sabotages you over and over again.
  3. Master the elements of your life school – the arena in which you fulfill your soul purpose.
  4. Use your gifts or pay the penalty they cost if you deny them.

When you use the information in your hands as your guide to your goals and the actions you will take to reach them, your path will be spiritually enlightened and lead to the true fulfillment and happiness you desire.

No, I cannot promise you instant success and a life free of pain. I think that’s a false hope. However, I can promise you a way to deeply understand yourself and a way to be more compassionate and kind to yourself. When you follow the blueprint in your hands you will feel the joy that living your soul purpose provides.

Here’s a very brief example from my soul purpose.

As the Healer with Heart, I am most able to be of service to others when I pay attention to healing my own issues. What gets in the way of that is if I do not stay conscious to my emotions and behaviours. If I am not careful, I go numb without realizing I’ve done that. My lesson is to stuff my feelings. The life lesson trips us up so easily because it’s our blindest blind spot.

If I do not write regularly and get that out to people, I find myself running around in circles getting nothing accomplished. (That’s from my gift of “author/speaker in the spotlight” and its penalty.)

The holidays can be more about spending money on gifts for others, so I decided to extend the discount another short time. Set yourself up for success by getting your hand analysis reading and using your unique blueprint as your guide for 2015.

Special offer extended to January 10. Save 1/3 of the regular price.

Just in case you had some of the same misconceptions as my friends, scientific hand analysis is not another name for palm reading.

While some aspects of a reading are based on the lines and shapes of the hands, as in palm reading, the most significant part of the reading is in the interpretation of the fingerprints. A palm reader does not look at those.

Also a hand analysis reading is not predictive like a palm reading. I don’t know how many children you’ll have or whether you will meet the man or woman of your dreams. I jokingly say that all I can tell you about the future is if you keep on doing what you are doing now, you’ll get the same results.

I can do readings for people anywhere in the world. I recently did readings for a couple in Australia – the other side of the world. I sent them a kit and directions; they printed their hands and mailed the prints back. I did the analysis, and then we met via Skype to answer their questions.

Holiday Special

Wishing you love, fulfillment and happiness in 2015.

“Rosemary is a true and gifted healer. My time spent with her during my hand analysis session was inspiring and life changing. As we discussed what was found in my hand prints I felt a deep sense of love and gratitude for myself that I have never in my 37 years felt. I have spent my whole life apologizing for who I was and after seeing my life map on my hands, it showed me the perfection that lies in the being that is me and my heart swelled with pride at all that I am.

Rosemary takes the time to listen to the revelations that come to mind during a hand analysis, she lovingly guides you to better understanding and she leaves no stone unturned in her quest to gift you with the knowledge of self that lies in your hands.

I will not soon forget my time with Rosemary and the gift that she offered to me that day. I recommend this experience to anyone who is seeking more from life. It was brilliant and awe inspiring.” ~ Jenn Merritt, Intuitive Energy Artist

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Don’t Die With Your Music Still Inside You

heart music

Don’t Die With Your Music Still Inside You

I love that quote from Wayne Dyer. It is a message I do my best to live by. I believe each of us has something unique to share with our world; and whether that’s a large or small number of people doesn’t matter.

How do you know what you are here to share? Start by just being yourself. Are you tender-hearted? Find a way to let that flourish while at the same time not taking on other people’s problems as your own. Do you love to serve others? Then serve, but only when it’s good for everyone involved.

But it isn’t always easy.

I recently watched a moving YouTube video that brought Dr. Dyer’s success secret present to mind again. The renowned actor, Sir Anthony Hopkins, was a musician before he became an actor, and at age 19 he wrote a waltz.

Apparently he was afraid to hear it played and kept it to himself for 50 years.

Sir Anthony admired Dutch violinist Andre Rieu and sent the waltz to him. The video shows Sir Anthony seeing his waltz played for his first time.

The waltz is a beautiful piece and clearly would not have been performed by a world class orchestra had it not been of high quality.

It’s ironic that the actor who frightened all of us so effectively playing Hannibal Lecter kept this lovely waltz to himself for 50 years due to his fears.

Fear is part of the human condition; as is feeling not good enough.

And while everyone is susceptible to their fears if we are to complete our purpose here on earth, we cannot let our fears hold us back from our authentic expression.

What else would you say and do if you didn’t let your fears hold you back?

Remember that it’s never too late. Sir Anthony took fifty years to hear his waltz played, but he finally did take the risk to share it publicly.

Never let something like your age determine what you can do. If you still have life in you, you still have music to share.

Marylou HeenanMy sister Marylou Heenan is a great example of this. I remember talking with her a few years ago when she was considering selling her business and retiring. She wasn’t ready to stop working entirely and I asked her what else she could see herself doing. She chose to express more of her “music” as a financial advisor at a time of life when most people are looking at settling down.

What is your music?

Are you singing your song out loud or in your head?

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you love to do?

Don’t let your fear or feelings of not being good enough keep you from sharing your music with the world.

It does take courage. I left my secure career at age 59 to follow my heart’s desire and soul purpose. I think our souls urge us forever to fulfill that purpose and I don’t want to die with my music still in me.

I’d love to hear from you and welcome your comments below or on my Facebook page.

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Soaring with the Wings of an Eagle

EagleWho do you think you are?

I ask this question, not with the derisive tone or the wagging finger, rather from the place in my heart where I know you are magnificent beyond belief.

And my hope is your answer comes from that same place within you.

Alan Cohen sent out this quote from A Course in Miracles yesterday morning and I grabbed onto it for the newsletter because it spoke to me of how I felt I had been living throughout most of my life.

Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow
when the mighty power of an eagle has been given him?
~ A Course in Miracles

I didn’t know I had the capacity of the mighty power of the eagle. I had bought into the notion that I was a mere sparrow, very limited in what was possible for me.

But I’ve had a change of heart. I am far more convinced and convicted that each of us is powerful beyond measure. My soul keeps telling me this and urging me to share that message with the world.

The tiny wings of the sparrow are your ego, when the mighty power of the eagle is your soul.

In Seth Godin’s recent blog post called A Peter Corollary, he posed a modern day version of the Peter Principle.

“To be promoted beyond your level of confidence.”
Too often, the person who wrecks our work is us.
In every modern organization with upward mobility, good people are promoted until they get to the point where they lose their nerve.”

I believe the same is true in life and self-employment. When we believe we are the sparrow, we lack confidence to soar beyond out limiting beliefs.

But if there’s one mighty eagle out there, and God created each of us in love, would God have given more to one and less to another?

I don’t think so.

And, I go back to a favourite statement, “God did not create junk.”

So that means each and every one of us is created with the potential to soar with the mighty power of the eagle.

Expand your wings by exploring what makes your heart sing. What lights you up at the thought of being able to spend your time and life force energy doing it?

What did you love as a child?

What’s your passion been to explore throughout your life, even if you just saw this as a hobby or interest?

The answers lie within. Your eagle potential exists in your heart as your soul purpose.

What will it take for you to live from that purpose and soar?

Warmest, Rosemary

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Being Yourself is the Key to Getting What You Desire

Want to know why being yourself is the key to getting what you desire?

It’s taken me nearly two months to get to the heart of what I want to make the focal message of my business. I’m certain now and while my “languaging” may still need polishing, the essence is clear enough to declare.

True success, the kind of success most women seek, which is making a significant difference in the world, will only occur when you courageously express your authentic self.

It’s oftentimes the most difficult challenge we face in life due to all the negative messages we received about ourselves.

Being told repeatedly that we weren’t good enough; or not perfect like our older sister; we were too much trouble; in the way, too loud, too sensitive, too fat, weird, shy etc. dimmed both our light and our confidence in ourselves.

So we stifled ourselves or shifted to become more of what we thought other people wanted us to be; only to find we were lost in a role that we thought would give us what we wanted.

… and we were doomed to failure.

Failure may seem too strong a word to our human mind, but I believe it is the truth to our souls.

You see, our souls urge us to express ourselves, to be authentic, to strive to develop, to reach for the stars. And when we don’t heed that inner voice and instead shrink down, or stay quiet, “safe and secure”, we stagnate.

jumping with balloons

Heeding my Soul Purpose

In March of this year, I was given an urgent message from my soul that I chose to answer. It came in the form of an astrology reading that partly said, “You came to earth designed to not let anything stop you from accomplishing your purpose this time.”

It was a huge wake up call. I had essentially given up my business and retired to playing bridge and live comfortably like many other 65 year olds. I had felt defeated the previous year. After thriving through the house burning down and not letting that stop me, I lost courage to step into a more powerful version of myself.

I hit the terror barrier you hear about and didn’t go through it.

And as I shrunk back into an “acceptable” Rosemary, my business and my passion diminished. Nothing worked well enough to sustain the effort, so I quit.

Then the Universe sent me an old friend who wanted to do some coaching around her hand analysis reading from years back. As I worked with Susan, I felt the contrast of how inspired and enthused I was, versus the enjoyment I got from learning to be a good bridge player.

So when the Universe put Dan into my life and I had the astrology reading with him, I understood that I was being given another chance.

I went back to a neglected spiritual practice. I read more books on our souls’ plans for our lives. As if by magic, opportunities presented themselves to me and I said “yes”.

This is how our souls work. Each of us has a purpose here on earth and it is to add more life to the world. Our souls may quiet down for a while as we rest, but inevitably they stir again and send messages and messengers to waken us up.

I invite you to get quiet and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you awake and on purpose?
  • Are you passionate about your mission in life?
  • Do you bounce out of bed and look forward to each day, at least most days?
  • Do you eagerly share what’s on your mind; while also listening intently to what others have to say?
  • Do you feel like you are making the kind of difference in the world you would like?

I would love to hear what answers you received, please comment below.

All is well.

Warmest, Rosemary

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