Saturday September 22, 2012
9:00am to 5:00pm
Stone Edge Estate Bed and Breakfast
Georgetown, ON
Money Mindset Mastery Program
1-day intensive
Proven, step-by-step skills that will have you moving from money worry to money certainty. Connect with people who will support you in getting the income you desire.
“Treat Yourself to 1 Full Day of Intensive Training in a Luxurious
Retreat Setting Where You Will Gain the Skills Needed to Energize
Money Flow and Change Your Life Forever!”
September 14, 2012
From: Rosemary Heenan, David Neagle Certified Coach, Miracle of Money© Mentor
Re: Your Desired Income Rocketing through the Ceiling
Attention Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Healers!
Are you tired of…
- Feeling stuck and not knowing how to get to the next level?
- Sleepless nights worrying about how to pay your bills?
- Getting surprised with emergency bills that you’re afraid you can’t pay?
- Constantly monitoring your bank accounts to make sure there’s enough money to take your work to the next level?
- Being worried that you will have to get a JOB instead of doing the work you love?
- Feeling that you have a bigger purpose in this world but you’re not sure what that is?
- Not knowing how to make money doing what is meaningful to you?
- Being stuck in a life where every year looks the same, even though your soul is urging you to grow?
“Release Negative Beliefs About Money and Get the Success You Desire!”
Do you realize that…
- What you want really IS possible?
- You don’t have to wait for the economy to change?
- There’s no need to become the number one expert in your desired field because you’re already an expert to some people already?
- You don’t have to wait until all your ducks are perfectly in a row?
- There’s no need to wait for anyone’s permission, approval, or help?
- You don’t have to wait until you have mastered every single problem you’ve ever had?
- You have the ability to make things happen for yourself?
You can start living your dreams now!
All you need is to decide what you want, and the opportunity will show up.
Imagine what life could be if you were able to enjoy all of the money you desired whenever you wanted. Imagine the freedom and the joy of working in a meaningful way, doing something you love, with financial freedom!
There is a proven program that can help you to achieve your goals and dreams.
You can live abundantly on your own terms
“I Want to Be Very Clear About What This Is, and What This is Not”
Let’s be clear. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme that will magically fix your money situation overnight. And I will not allow you to blame others or make excuses for your lack of success. I am not going to work with you if you’re unwilling to accept responsibility for your life. I will not do the work for you, and I cannot help you if you’re simply looking to be rescued.
What I am going to do, is teach you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step system that will help you to continually move forward as you make your dreams come true. I will personally guide your efforts as you move closer to the money you desire.
“Here is How You Will Benefit… No Matter What Your Goals”
No matter which business you’re in, or which goals you have, you can stimulate a more positive money experience, just by following my simple step-by-step system.
Here is how you will benefit from my one-day intensive “Money Mindset Mastery Program:”
- Learn how your beliefs about money are creating your results and circumstances with money.
- Examine your fears about money and create new beliefs that will give you the success you desire.
- Discover how to apply universal laws to positively affect your income.
- Learn about the true history of money.
- Understand how to see money as a miracle and not a curse.
- Learn how to ask for what you need.
- Learn how to determine which opportunities are the best to take.
- Set prices for your products and services in a way that meets your goals.
- Determine when and how to raise your prices.
- Learn what you have to release in order to realize your goals and dreams.
- Correct your actions so you get the results you desire.
“Exactly What You Need to Get Started Right Away!”
Imagining your financial dreams coming true can be especially tough when it seems like an impossible task. But the great news is that I’m going to give you everything you need to get started on a continual upward journey, so you can access wealth anytime you want.
Here are exactly the types of questions people have about my “Money Mindset Mastery Program:”
- What do I have to do to get the money I need right now?
- I’m very busy. How much time will it take before your program starts working for me?
- Can I use this step-by-step system in any setting? Is it appropriate to use in every money situation?
- My reputation at work is important to me. Will using this new system change the way other people see me?
- Will your program still work for me, even though I’ve failed in the past?
- What if I start getting all the money I desire and people start putting me down for it?
- Will this money mindset system help me to reconnect with the passion I used to have for my professional work?
- Should I use your program in my personal life too? How would I do that?
- How will your program help me if I’m already doing well financially?
- Do I need any special materials from you to make the program work for me?
- Does your money mindset program work with people who don’t really believe it’s possible to have all the money they desire?
In my one-day intensive September 22 2012, I’m going to reveal everything to you in a way that’s easy to follow, with simple but effective instructions on exactly what you need to do first, second, third, etc.
“Who is Rosemary Heenan?”
I know what it is like to be passionate about living my life purpose but feel like my bank account won’t allow me to make my dreams come true. I know what it is like to feel like I can’t afford to hire the people who can help me to get my business and financial dreams to the next level. And I know what it is like to feel like I need a JOB to make enough money to pay the bills.
So I took big leap. I became a certified life coach with New York Times best-selling author Debbie Ford, discovered my life purpose, left a successful career that spanned over three decades, and started my own business. I was told that if I worked hard in my business and delivered great service, I would earn the money I desired. But no matter how hard I worked, I wasn’t getting the results I wanted.
That is when I decided to work with David Neagle. I had seen him help several coaches and entrepreneurs to quickly build a 7-figure business by doing the work they loved, serving thousands of clients. Even though I felt like I couldn’t afford it, I decided to invest in his program. I simply trusted that the money would show up to make it possible. And it did! I am now a David Neagle Certified Coach Miracle of Money©Mentor.
“Why Should I Work with Rosemary, and What Can She Do For Me?”
For more than 35 years, I have helped thousands of people to put theory into practice so they could achieve their goals in record time. I not only have the ability to help you clarify your life purpose, but I can also show you how to make money from it. And because I have a reputation for keeping things light and laughing easily at life despite its ups and downs, you can rest assured that you will enjoy moving forward with me in your own money miracle success.
But Don’t Just Take My Word For It!
Take a look at what people have to say about Rosemary Heenan’s skills and expertise:
“As soon as I started working with Rosemary; I was able to see… how in reality… my work… is extremely valuable and sometimes priceless. Even though there was no monetary value to my ‘services’, there was abundant value in the emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of what I offered… So much has changed for me since working with Rosemary on this particular issue. Now I value what I do… and I feel blessed and grateful to be able to live this lifestyle which is a far cry from the burden I used to carry with me.
I find I have taken on more of a leadership role instead of the role of people pleaser. I speak my truth with confidence and I have created boundaries which I am comfortable enforcing when need be. I no longer see myself as someone who is ‘beneath’ another… I am better able to charge proper fees for my services to my clients, which is something I struggled with doing when I was de-valuing myself.
…Being in conflict with my life purpose always leads to stress and tension, which keeps me from fully living my purpose. The more I value my decision and honour that part of myself, the more I am able to step fully into my purpose, embracing all aspects of what that means. I am also able to integrate my innovative healer purpose and author and speaker gifts more easily as well because I am more accepting of who I am.
I am so grateful to Rosemary for her kind and wise guidance.”
– Jennifer Merritt,
“A few years ago I started my Soaring Free Spiritual Healing Centre business based in my passion for spiritual healing and readings. It took me almost two years to create a website myself as I didn’t think I could afford to pay someone to do it for me. I rarely got an order from it and I didn’t know how to take it further, how to get it out there, or how to believe that I could make a living doing what I love.
When you had the introduction to the Miracle of Money Program I was excited and knew that I needed to take that big leap of faith and sign up for this course.
I didn’t have the money to pay for the program but I decided I was going to have this course paid for prior to the start date. I didn’t want to ask anyone for help. This was about me and I wanted to do this on my own.
My other small business involves bookkeeping and preparing income taxes but it also generates income sporadically and never enough to pay all my bills. So I was nervous about where I was going to get the money for your program.
Amazingly, I picked up some new customers and two of my bigger customers who usually procrastinate gave me their taxes early this time. I was able to pay the final payment the morning the course started. In essence, this was my own personal money miracle victory. I wasn’t out of the hole yet, however it felt great to be able to do this.
My first ‘big moment came the day you showed me how to price myself according to what I was worth and not what I thought people would pay. I, like so many others, had trouble accepting that if I raised my prices that people would come. Again, I took a leap of faith and raised the price of my readings to more than double what I was charging. Within an hour of raising that price, I had an order from Germany. What a confirmation that I was doing the right thing!
Every week I received an order from somewhere around the world and I was so very grateful for this. I raised my prices in every area of my business and everyone paid without a question.
I still read through my binder, my notes and listen to the CD’s over and over again. I know without a doubt what my magnificent obsession is (or are – as there are two areas right now) and am moving forward every single day. I use my 4 questions quite often and have actually walked away from some things because of how the answer turned out, where before I would have jumped on it just to get the couple of dollars that it would pay.
I would like to thank you for giving me the tools to believe in myself and the confidence to go out of my comfort zone. I believe in myself and I am working on those “smack me in the face blocks” that I hit and I find a way through each and every one of them. I know I would still be stuck had I not taken this course from you.
Thank you Rosemary, you are an amazing teacher and friend.”
– Sheri Baldwin, RT,
“I am sooo excited today… Let me tell you (that) before I started your course, I would not have been comfortable with the prices (I now charge my clients). Thank you!”
– Lia Federico,
“Rosemary Heenan is one of those rare coaches who addresses the whole person… body, mind, and spirit. Her work in divining the road map for a given life is exceptional, and is extremely empowering for her clients. Not only does Rosemary use unique tools like hand print analysis, but she listens, really listens, with her own heart. I highly recommend Rosemary as a coach.”
– Mary Alberici, Ph.D.,
“I highly recommend Rosemary’s teleclass. She is master of conveying her insight, experience, and suggestions to the class in a very personal and relative way. Her calm, yet confident voice made me feel truly supported and heard. Rosemary has clearly utilized the myriad of tools that she shares with the group. In just 6 short weeks I have been able to release some of my limiting beliefs and manifest a marked consistent increase in my business which is continuing after the class has ended. I am sure that anyone wanting to see results and willing to try the various methods shared, will achieve success following Rosemary’s suggestions.”
– Kate Arnold, Hand Analyst and Bodyworker
“Who Will Profit Most From the Money Mindset Mastery Program?”
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Coaches
- Healers
“Here’s the Bottom Line on How You Will Immediately Benefit from the One-Day Intensive Money Mindset Mastery Program on Saturday September 22nd, 2012.
In the “Money Mindset Mastery Program,” I will reveal…
- How to ask for what you need
- How to determine which opportunities are the best to take
- How to set prices for your products and services in a way that meets your goals
- How to determine when and how to raise your prices, and
- Which actions to take to get the financial results you want.
Here’s what you get as part of the Money Mindset Mastery Program
Stone Edge Estate Bed and Breakfast, Georgetown Ontario, Saturday September 22nd, 2012
- Full day intensive 9:00am – 5:00pm
- Free morning and afternoon snacks with lunch
- Free 30-minute follow-up strategy session with Rosemary Heenan (value of $175.00)
- All-inclusive day in a luxury setting of beauty and opulence
- Discounted rooms available for a limited time
- Connect with other supportive people who have similar money goals
- Optional purchase of David Neagle’s original recording and transcripts of The Miracle of Money© program $100.00 (value of $297).
- Travel & accommodation costs are excluded
Group size limited to 15 people who are extremely committed to creating a money miracle right now.
Registration: $345.00