Business Lessons from the Fire – How a So-Called Tragedy Tripled My Income!

 Business Lessons from the Fire – How a So-Called Tragedy Tripled My Income!

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Attention Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Healers!

Are you tired of…

  • Feeling like no matter what you do you can’t get ahead?
  • Life is out to get you?
  • If it wasn’t for … you would be successful?
  • You have to play a role, or copy other successful people to get ahead?
  • Trying to make other people happy?
  • Doubting yourself and questioning your decisions?

I know what it is like to be passionate about living my life purpose but feel like my bank account won’t allow me to make my dreams come true.  I know what it is like to feel like I can’t afford to hire the people who can help me to get my business and financial dreams to the next level.  And I know what it is like to feel like I need a JOB to make enough money to pay the bills.

So I decided to work with David Neagle.  David’s company has helped more coaches and entrepreneurs quickly build a 7-figure business than any other self-help program in the world.  I took the training to be a David Neagle Certified Coach Miracle of MoneyMentor.

I had been working with clients for 3 months when my house burned down June 16th.  What I noticed after the fire, both personally and in my business validated the truth in everything I had been teaching.

I handled everything differently than I would have previously. Instead of seeing the fire as something that was devastating, I looked for and found the good that came from it. I didn’t allow myself to indulge in being a victim. While I appreciated people’s help and genuine concern, my priority was to get back to work as soon as possible.

In a short period of time I was back doing what I love and my business tripled.

I want to share the lessons I learned from the fire that you can apply to your business and have the life you desire.

Do you realize that…

  • What you want really IS possible?
  • There’s no need to wait for anyone’s permission, approval, or help?
  • You have the ability to make things happen for yourself?
  • You can make a living doing what you love?

You can start living your dreams now!

However, if you want to do that there are certain things you must do first. That’s what I will be teaching in my teleseminar on Monday September 24 at 11:00am eastern.


Business Lessons from the Fire:

How a So Called Tragedy Tripled My Income!

You can’t succeed doing things the same way.

You can succeed with the five lessons I will be teaching.

Lesson #1: Everything that happens is for your good. Find what you need to learn.

Lesson #2: Keep moving ahead without excuses.

Lesson #3:  Speak up, be authentic, and walk your talk.

Lesson #4: Put yourself as the #1 priority.

Lesson #5: Have faith in the truth.    

Find out how I went from 0% conversion to 67% in two short months. Yes, you can do this too once you know how. Don’t wait for a so-called tragedy to apply these lessons in your business. Business Lessons from the Fire teleseminar will give you the answers you are looking for.

That’s Thursday, October 11 at 1:00pm.

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